Friends...Or not

Let me get straight to the point now. Yesterday we went to the bengkel K.H as usual to finish some of our folio stuff. Panda and i took out the drawing tools to get started on our unjuran otografik. While we were doing that I looked over and saw *****, who hadn't finished any of her folio stuff, was sitting and writing some stuff in Korean. As a friend, i told her that she shouldn't be lazy and start finishing her work instead of doing these unimportant stuff. Iman n Yas also started telling her the same thing. Before this, ****** kept on going on and on bout her brother who was spoilt and acted like a bastard and she wanted him to change his ways. So the three of us told her that she can't expect her brother to change if she herself doesn't want to. Then ***** started going like , " Do not compare me with Omar!!" And with that she stomped out of the bengkel. I was like SO shocked and at the same time scared and mad, we didn't compare her at all. Then when i got back to class, i found a note under my desk with handwriting which i know whom it belongs to and this is what it said: You guys are acting like a bunch of hardcore bitches! I was shocked n was about to cry, i mean she's my friend n i only tried to help. then i wrote a small note to her telling her how i felt and this was her stupid reply, "Yeah, you guys get me so well that you know how to make me hurt, but don't get me enough to know how i work. I asked you to stop but you wouldn't.i never asked you to care anyway. i want a friend who listens to me. you guys don't listen well enough so baik aku tak cakaplah! Anyways i don't know whether your my friend or not. And get used to it, your not that good and innocent anymore!" FUCK YOU *****!!!! As your friend i want to help and that's what friends do! That letter made me cry and i kept thinking of how i could have become friends with someone so selfish like you. You better take that back cuz i can be really bad and if i do there is no chance of us being friends again. NOT AT ALL, even if it hurts. and can't be friends with someone who doesn't even appreciate what their friends are doing for them, i just can't, I'm not that kind of person so if you are reading this now, (u know who you are)i would just like to thank you so much cuz you taught me a very valueable lesson, never to care bout those who don't care bout themselves and don't give a shit to those who want to care.



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